Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Yoostar 2 For PS3 Review

Yoostar 2 For PS3 Review
Yoostar 2 For PS3 Review

Has this ever happened to you? You see a commercial for a game and it looks awesome, but when you bring it home and start playing it, you are incredibly disappointed? This is exactly what happened when I tried this game. In the commercial for Yoostar 2, the group of people are playing the game in their living room, without any green screen at all. They even have their couch, frames on the wall, etc. Nowhere on the box does it say to use a green screen or to buy a specific type of light for better lighting. I tried to play this game, had to re-arrange my furniture, and even then, the game was far from perfect. I don't know if this game is better on the Xbox 360 with the kinect, and I really hope it is. The game does come with 80 scenes, right out of the box and with hundreds more to download on the Playstation Network, it makes it interesting. But if you're not willing to spend extra money on a green screen and lighting, then this game definitely isn't for you. This is a very good example of false advertising.

For the concept, I give this game a 5/10.

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