Friday, October 28, 2011

Spinnerette - Self-Titled Review

Spinnerette Self-Titled Review
Spinnerette Self-Titled Review

I had such high hopes with this album after I listened to her teaser 4-songs + one remix Ghetto Love album. This album is a full-length release and has 13 tracks. If you can't recognize the vocalist, it's actually former member of the band The Distillers (a punk band from 1998 to 2004). Her vocals were more fitting with her former band. Doesn't her voice remind you of Courtney Love sometimes? Some of her songs almost sound like Queens Of The Stone Age sometimes. It's a real shame that she left off tracks "Valium Knights", "Distorting A Code" and "Bury My Heart" from this album (which were on her 4 songs album Ghetto Love). Maybe it was a marketing stunt, whatever the case may be, it's too bad.

Notable songs are "Ghetto Love", "Sex Bomb", "Baptized By Fire" and "A Spectral Suspension".

Maybe I put my hopes too high with this one. In any case, I award this album with a 6.5/10

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