Friday, October 14, 2011

Garbage - Self Titled Review

Garbage Self Titled Review
Garbage - Self Titled Review

If you never heard "I'm only happy when it rains" on the radio, then you must have been living in a cave because this song was a major hit on almost every radio station. The band formed in 1994 in Wisconsin, USA. What characterizes Garbage is Shirley Manson's voice and powerful guitar riffs. Garbage have been inspired by such bands as Curve, Siouxie and the Banshees and Smashing Pumpkins. The band, fans and even critics have described Garbage's sound as a mix of alternative-rock, post-grunge and electronic.

Now the album breakdown... I gotta say that this, to me, this is one album that you can listen to from start to finish without skipping any tracks. Sure there are less interesting tracks on there ("A Stroke Of Luck" comes to mind), but most are good. The album is around 50 mins long, which is pretty standard for 12 tracks. Songs worth mentioning include "Queer", "As Heaven Is Wide" and "Stupid Girl".

Very entertaining album worth a solid 8/10.

If you enjoy this album, you might also like Curve.

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