Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Silversun Pickups - Pikul Review

Silversun Pickups Pikul Review
Silversun Pickups - Pikul Review

Did you ever enjoy an album from a band in their beginning and then quickly lose interest after they release a new album because it sounded too commercial? That's pretty much the case for me and this band. This album is actually an EP and is only 6 tracks long, which is very unfortunate because every track on this cd is worth listening to. This is the first album from Silversun Pickups. And what an album it is! I must confess that before knowing of this album, the song that made me discover this band was from their Carnavas album, "Lazy Eye". On Pikul guitars are very present and so is distortion. The vocalist's voice is a little nasal, but it's their style. You get used to it fairly quickly.

Despite being a low budget project, some songs feature violins. What's nice also, is that this album changes pace throughout. It can go from very hard to slow. For example "Come Back Kid" is plenty hard on the ears, but the song right after is "Booksmart Devil" which slows down considerably.

If you know about Silversun Pickups and think that you don't like their latest albums because it's just not catchy, then I suggest you give this one a try. Worse case scenario, it's only 6 songs to listen to.

It's too bad that they'll never sound as good ever again.

I give this album a 8/10

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