Thursday, October 27, 2011

CSS - La Liberacion Review

CSS La Liberacion Review
CSS - La Liberacion Review

This is the band's third album already! They've been around since 2003, but over here in America, we've only known them since 2006. CSS stands for Cancei Ser Sexy. On their first album, it felt like the girls sang without knowing what they were singing. But on this album, they've made progress and the lyrics make more sense. Their sound is electronic with drum beats, guitar and finally keyboards. This album is packed with great songs. "I Love You", "Hits Me Like A Rock", "City Girl", "You Could Have It All", "Ruby Eyes" and "Red Alert". Like most albums, there are filler tracks, but the amount of good songs outweigh the bad, so you won't mind.

This album is great. Is it any wonder that Apple used their song "Music Is My Hot Hot Sex" from their debut album in their commercial for the iPod? They were on to something.

This album deserves a solid 8/10.

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