Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Uncharted 3 For PS3 Review

Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception Review
Uncharted 3 For PS3 Review

Before I start my review, just so you know, I've only played this game for about 2-3 hours so far, so my review might change when I complete it. I had such high hopes for this one, as I read the reviews all across the web. The lowest score was 8/10 I think. So in this game, Nathan Drake returns for another adventure. We also see Sully and Chloe. What really disappointed me was the dark lit scenes. A lot of times you're in the dark and you can't see anything. For those of you who have been fans since the beginning, the same music is played in the menu when you start the game. It can get pretty annoying. Perhaps it's time they change their song? The booklet that comes with the game is about 20 pages long (both French and English are in the same booklet) and it's in black and white.

The game introduces new characters, Charlie Cutter and Katherine Marlowe. It's nice and all that this game can be played in 3D, but c'mon, not everyone has a 3D television, am I right? What's new in this 3rd installment is the ability to do co-op missions. Multi-player returns but with new twists, as it's now easier to get cash, even if you're not very good, or having a bad day.

So until now, for what I've seen, I give this game a 7.5/10 (keep in mind my score might change as I play it some more.)

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